
An accountable humanitarian response in Chad

UNHCR / F. Noy / December 2011

Since 2018, we have been tracking the perceptions of people affected by crisis in the Lac, Ouaddaï and Logone Oriental provinces to highlight their opinions about the humanitarian aid they receive.

UNHCR / F. Noy / December 2011

We have also interviewed humanitarian staff and their local partners. Together, these findings monitor the implementation of Chad’s Humanitarian Response Plan against the Core Humanitarian Standard. This project was made possible from 2018-2021 thanks to our collaboration with the CHS Alliance and with funding from SIDA.

From 2021 onwards, and for our sixth project iteration, we surveyed two new provinces in Chad — Chari Baguirmi and Mandoul – to include aid recipients from a broader range of contexts in our surveys and analysis. In parallel with our surveys of aid recipients, we surveyed humanitarian staff on their perceptions of the response to identify key gaps in how the humanitarian response is perceived by aid recipients compared to humanitarian staff.

In conjunction with our data collection and report publication, we support humanitarians to grow their capacity to integrate perception surveys in their own programme cycles so that each organisation can systematically collect and respond to aid recipient’s feedback.


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