
User journeys of mobile money recipients in Burundi

Billions of dollars in humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) programmes are delivered annually to populations affected by conflict and natural disasters to enable them to meet their basic needs.

Billions of dollars in humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) programmes are delivered annually to populations affected by conflict and natural disasters to enable them to meet their basic needs.

The potential for mobile money to foster digital and financial inclusion for recipients of humanitarian CVA has received growing recognition. Crucially, however, the benefits of mobile money will only be equitable for all if interventions and payment systems are designed to meet the needs of the most vulnerable.

To better understand the lived experiences of people receiving mobile money, the GSMA‘s Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation (M4H) programme and Ground Truth Solutions worked together to explore the user journeys of Concern Worldwide’s mobile money recipients in Burundi.

Through a series of user journey interviews and a perception survey with mobile money recipients, this project identified recommendations for Concern Worldwide and their mobile financial service provider, Cassava Fintech Burundi.

See the Summary of project insights (December 2020) and read the blog – User journeys in Burundi: A conversation with Ground Truth Solutions (February 2021).
