
ICRC community engagement in Afghanistan and the Philippines

Landi Kotal, Pakistan - May 9, 2006

Ground Truth Solutions partnered with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to track and understand the perceptions of people who receive assistance, as well as the larger communities affected by crisis. The collaboration was launched in early 2017 with a focus on the Philippines and Afghanistan.

The overarching goal of our collaboration was to optimise service quality and to strengthen acceptance through a better understanding of community perceptions. Surveys have been conducted to better understand not only people’s physical needs but also their experience with and expectations of the ICRC. We combined feedback rounds with training for ICRC staff along the constituent voice cycle. This included designing questions and survey instruments, collecting data, analysing data, and facilitating dialogue between the ICRC and affected people.

Feedback processes piloted in Afghanistan and the Philippines were systematically integrated into the delegations’ monitoring, evaluation, reporting, and community engagement practices in 2018. You can find more information about Ground Truth Solutions’ collaboration with the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement below.

Ground Truth Solutions and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
