
Amplifying aid recipients’ views in Burkina Faso

Source: UNHCR 2020

With increased attacks by armed groups, Burkina Faso is now one of the fastest growing displacement contexts in the world.

Ground Truth Solutions, in partnership with the Community Engagement and Accountability Working Group (CEAWG) and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Burkina Faso, supports the systematic collection and analysis of aid recipients’ feedback. We survey both those who have been displaced and non-displaced communities receiving aid to ensure their voices are heard by the humanitarian country team and advocate for humanitarian plans to be centred on these people’s opinions. 

In August 2020, we collected feedback from internally displaced people and host community members on their experience with the humanitarian aid they received over the past six months and the impact COVID-19 was having on their lives. Findings from these reports supported the drafting of the 2021 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). This first project was supported by the H2H Fund.

Our second project phase (mid-2021) built on the baseline data from 2020 and tracked if and how people’s perceptions about aid programming changes over time. We are also committed to building humanitarians’ capacity to collect perceptions themselves and held a series of workshops on how to run perception surveys, analyse data and react to the findings. Our aim is to continue to develop a humanitarian culture that systematically listens, responds and adapts to aid recipients’ opinions.

Kaya, Burkina Faso | January 2022
Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso | January 2022

Humanitarian Response (November 2020)

COVID-19 (October 2020)

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