

We maintain the world’s largest database of feedback from people affected by crisis, because we believe they should have more of a say in how aid is provided.

Over the past five years we have asked whether affected people find humanitarian services relevant and fair, whether they trust humanitarian agencies, whether they feel empowered, and many other topics respondents care about.

Our data

The data shown is based on responses to a selection of the questions that we have asked affected people at regular intervals across a range of humanitarian crises. For more details on specific countries, visit the country and project pages – or get in touch with us.

Key performance dimensions

Across the aggregated data set, most aid recipients feel respected and safe in their interactions with aid providers. Many respondents, however, feel the aid they receive does not cover their basic needs and will not help them to be self-reliant in future. Opinions are mixed across countries on whether aid providers take the opinions of affected people into account when providing aid and whether aid agencies adequately inform people of the aid they are entitled to.

Note that not all questions were asked in all 15 countries. Click the search box to choose a data set. Dates of data collection are indicated.

Changes over time

People’s perceptions change over time as a function of both changing circumstances and the responsiveness of humanitarian efforts. When things improve, people see things in a more favourable light. When they get worse, the reverse is true. GTS’s goal is to work with operational agencies to understand the feedback and make course corrections – or more radical changes – in the way they design and implement their programmes. If affected people have the information they need and see that their point of view is considered, they are more likely to have positive views on the other dimensions of performance that GTS tracks. The reverse also holds: if they are left in the dark and their views are ignored, they tend to become more negative.