

Ground Truth Solutions first started working in Somalia as part of our work with the OECD to gauge the impact of the Grand Bargain at the community level in 2017.

Since then, we have continued contributing toward more accountable humanitarian action that is responsive to the opinions and perspectives of people receiving aid.

With support from FCDO (then DFID), we tracked perceptions to understand how the objectives of the humanitarian response were faring from the community perspective. When Covid-19 took hold, we partnered with the H2H network to see how the pandemic was impacting people’s views about humanitarian aid.

Now, as part of the Cash Barometer project, we are aiming to ensure that quality perception data from cash recipients is available to and used by aid providers and policymakers. The Cash Barometer will also support local Food Security Cluster partners in developing their own feedback systems and using the resulting data to adapt programmes.

Findings in Somalia