

Since 2018, Ground Truth Solutions has been tracking the perceptions of aid recipients in Chad to highlight their opinions about humanitarian aid.

Between 2018-2021, we have tracked changes in aid recipients’ perceptions over time. Based on the feedback we receive, we support Chad’s humanitarian country team to design humanitarian programmes gleaned from the opinions and preferences of aid recipients. In past phases of this project, we have interviewed local and international humanitarian staff and local authorities. 

We are soon to run our sixth round of data collection comparing community views with humanitarian staff feedback. We are also holding workshops and dialogue, helping  humanitarians to integrate perception surveys in their own programme cycles, systematically collecting and responding to aid recipient’s feedback.

Previously, in 2018, Ground Truth Solutions worked with the World Bank and Cellule de Filets Sociaux (CFS) in the monitoring of the pilot projects in Logone Occidental and Bahr-El-Ghazal. Through perception surveys and focus group discussions we worked to understand how affected people perceive the relevance and effectiveness of transfers made under the Safety Nets Project.

We have also surveyed cash and voucher recipients in the Lac, Logone Orientel and Moyen Chari provinces to gauge affected people’s perceptions of current cash programmes, providing an independent complement to ground-truth on-going monitoring efforts.

Findings in Chad