
Central African Republic

Since 2019, we have been asking crisis-affected people in CAR about their perception of the aid they receive and their recommendations for a better response.

In face of the grave humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR), which has worsened since the end of 2020, Ground Truth Solutions is providing affected communities with opportunities to express their feedback on the on-going humanitarian response. In a country where conflict and violence have forced almost one in three Central Africans to flee their homes, and where food insecurity is on the rise, affected communities do not usually have the opportunity to systematically express their views, let alone ensure that their opinions are taken into account by humanitarian actors.

To inform a more accountable humanitarian response, GTS in collaboration with partners has conducted several rounds of surveys with recipients of humanitarian assistance since 2019. The results enable the Humanitarian Country Team to track progress against the objectives of the Humanitarian Response Plan. 

We discuss the findings of our surveys with the communities and collect their feedback, to provide actionable recommendations to humanitarian actors.    

In addition to our ongoing quantitative surveys, we spoke to cash and voucher recipients and market traders in 2020 to understand their experiences, behaviours and feelings, and how they had been impacted by COVID-19. 

This complemented  several survey rounds on perceptions of COVID-19, where community views on information access, preventive measures, socio-economic impact and health services were shared with humanitarian actors.

Findings in Central African Republic