

Since August 2017, over 800,000 Rohingya have fled Myanmar and arrived in Bangladesh as refugees. The speed of the influx and the overall scale of humanitarian needs has placed huge strains on infrastructure, services, and the local population across Cox’s Bazaar.

The Rohingya have faced violence and experienced severe trauma, and now find themselves reliant on humanitarian services run by national and international agencies. In mid-2018, Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) initiated a project to develop and implement an accountability framework for the Rohingya and host communities.

Since then, our work has scaled to include operational collaboration with the IOM Needs and Population Monitoring team and a partnership with BBC Media Action and Translators without Borders, as well as COVID-19 surveys supported by the H2H Network in partnership with the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS).

We focused on feedback collection from Rohingya refugees and host communities, and looked at how, overall, humanitarian programmes are responding to their needs. We see a need and an opportunity to continue to improve upon our work with the Rohingya in Bangladesh, applying lessons learned and deepening our impact while adapting to the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Within our work in Bangladesh, our aim is to enable humanitarian actors to establish a more effective and efficient response; one that is systematically informed, adapted and monitored based on the views of affected people.

Findings in Bangladesh