

Affected by conflict, poverty, and climate change, Afghanistan is one of the countries with the highest share of its population dependent on aid.Ground Truth Solutions has been active in Afghanistan since 2016, supporting humanitarian actors in strengthening their accountability to accountability systems by collecting and responding to community feedback.

In partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), we have tracked the perceptions of crisis-affected people on the aid they receive and used these findings to support humanitarian actors in improving humanitarian programming. 

Since 2019, we have been collaborating with the Welthungerhilfe (WHH) and the Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development (ACBAR) to provide training and technical support on improving accountability to affected people systems to a range of national NGOs, thus strengthening the link between localisation and AAP.

More recently, GTS has broadened its scope by tracking the perceptions of crisis-affected people on the health services they receive in collaboration with the World Health Organisation and the Awaaz Humanitarian Helpline to improve the health response and help fulfil the health targets set in the humanitarian response plan. GTS is an active member of the Accountability to Affected People Working Group and has supported the Working Group and different clusters in developing perception indicators that can be tracked by partners across the response in an effort to strengthen collective AAP efforts.

Findings in Afghanistan