
System design and training: Supporting local NGOs in Afghanistan

With experience in designing simple and sustainable feedback systems, and the ability to train NGOs in how to best implement them, Ground Truth Solutions supported local Afghan NGOs in building the tools, skills and experience necessary to run systematic feedback mechanisms independently.

As first responders and implementers of humanitarian projects, national NGOs are often the primary receivers of feedback and complaints from aid recipients. However, this feedback is often informal and only received on an ad-hoc basis. NGOs rarely have the tools or resources to collect and act on this feedback in a systematic way.

The project, run in partnership with the Welthungerhilfe (WHH) and the Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development (ACBAR), ran over a period of two years until October 2021.

Throughout the course of the two years, GTS and its local partners shared wider learnings on implementing systematic feedback mechanisms across the wider ACBAR membership base.
